Wednesday, November 21, 2012

8-96 Score, LOLWAT Y HAPPUN?!

So after a really nice match prior to this one that was around 112-97, or something, 8-96 happened in Pashow. Nearly at the first half of the match, there was a forty point difference (I scored 3! Our score stayed at 3 for a good 30 minutes until two on our team left + our RNG -point- scored an extra 5 /joy). Ohey, look it's Tsu and I - and Cuzy but pfft. 

BST/WAR                   PUP/SAM
THF/NIN                     BLU/NIN
RDM/BLM                   RDM/BLM
RNG/SAM                    RNG/SAM 

This happened because our team was missing the very basics of teamwork. The set up wasn't one-sided either, so the biggest faults fall into the lack of teamwork and inefficient use of jobs to aid the team. Our RDM and BLU left later in the match, deeming it hopeless and boring. 

Onto the things that were wrong:

What on Vana 'diel is that? Want to know about my life? Want to talk to me? GTFO? 
Communication in ballista matches are vital to the team's well-being because without communication, no one knows what the hell you're trying to do. Imagine those jerks on the road that don't signal on the road who expect you to give way BECAUSE YOU CAN READ THEIR MIND. Anyway, communication in ballista involves conveying what's important for the team, to the team: main targets, your petras/other teams petras, your TP, and whatever else you can say that will maybe help your team instead of blindly going after whoever's in sight when you see through your instinctive KILL KILL KILL goggles. 

Why shout out main targets or targets in general? Especially with a competent mage on the other team, damaging different targets is bad because you take off a chunk of HP that will just be replenished by the mage; which just means you wasted your TP and put your team at a disadvantage because you could've killed off your main target that is now ripping apart your teammate that you chose not to help. Prioritize your targets. If you have the choice to kill a DRK or a THF, figure out which would be better off to kill. The DRK can slash your HP off easily, stun, enfeeble, and rape your face. If you focus on one target as a group and plan your WS accordingly (how2do? By omg, COMMUNICATING), your target wouldn't be able to receive their cure because they're eating marshy ground.

When choosing targets, don't just select them based on how squishy you think your target is. This goes in hand with communication. If you /check and see someone else with 5 petras and gate breach, maybe tell your team and switch to that person instead of pointlessly killing someone with 0 petras and no gate breach. 

Our entire match was silent, besides the RDM and BLU announcing their leave and my spammage of "AYERRO TP PETRA GATEBREACH, {Can anyone hear me?}" 

RDM/BLM should have been more active in conserving his MP for enfeebs and cures. The other team's RDM was able to enfeeble our entire team before he even Silenced our RDM. Combined with the constant switching of targets, our damage output deemed worthless when their RDM healed everyone right back up. 
BLU/NIN, seeing that our entire party was constantly in the reds and yellows, should have played a more supportive role, perhaps using his almost full MP for healing, instead of physical spells that were, once again, healed by the other team's RDM. 

I know that I smell horrid because I never take showers or wash my feet, but why would you rush straight into a hoard of locusts (understandable in real life, but Y U DO in match) that's ready to devour you, like a floating, uncontrollable autumn leaf. V taught me the term "DD Ratio," which involves how many players are on the field at once - on the field meaning, fighting with the rest of your team, not just running around the zone a million yalms away. A 6v6 seems pretty even, but it's not really a 6v6 when 2 of your teammates are being ganged on by 5-6 others. 

Today, I witnessed a cow slaughter, our team being the cows, and seemingly the cows felt an instinctual urge to get up and run back into the blades right after their death. Our map looked like a spread out, straight line towards the other team, mimicking a slaughter row. 4 vs 1. 4 vs 1. 4vs 2! 4 vs 1. Perhaps a better approach may have been not to approach the other team just yet. After dying, we could have easily regrouped before heading in as a group. Combined with the above, it may have saved us the embarrassing point gap. 

That being said, Tsu will need extra oil and hugs to be ready for the next match. {See you again!}


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